Siyavula Schools Maths League
Teachers and students
Join the Siyavula Schools Maths League this June. If you are studying or teaching S1–S4 Mathematics, then this competition is for you!
The Siyavula Schools Maths League is for
Get your students practising, and win a prize for your school.
With all your students working, you could be the Maths League Champion for 2021.
Work hard on Siyavula and you could win a prize in one of our draws!
How to join
Maths is important for your students’ future. By joining the Siyavula Schools Maths League, you’ll be helping your students prepare for exams — and for a bright future!
All S1–S4 Mathematics teachers
Make sure you and your students are signed up, and encourage them to practise on Siyavula. Every question your students get right takes you closer to the prize!
If all students in your school compete, your school could be announced as Rwanda’s 2021 Siyavula Schools Maths League Champion. More important, your students will be learning as they work!
If you’re an S1–S4 student
It’s easy! Sign up to our platform, and start practising. You could win a prize in one of our draws during June — all while you’re learning!
How it works
Learn and win with the Siyavula Schools Maths League!
Sign up to Siyavula as a teacher, and make sure your students sign up to the platform too. Then encourage them to practise every day: the more questions your students get right, the more content they will master.
Our #TeacherChampions can win great prizes if their students have gained the greatest mastery on the Siyavula platform.
The school whose students have earned the most atoms on Siyavula for S1–S4 Mathematics at the end of June will be declared Rwanda’s 2021 Siyavula Schools Maths League Champion.
They will win a trophy and laptop for their school.
Students who practise on Siyavula during June will be placed in weekly draws to stand the chance of winning a prize.
The more you practise, the better your chances!
The competition ends on Wednesday 30 June 2021.
Look who’s behind you
Our partners are keen to see you win too!
They’ve joined with us to make sure the Siyavula Schools Maths League is a success.
The Small Print
- The competition will start on Tuesday 1 June, and end on Wednesday 30 June.
- Students and teachers will have to sign up to Siyavula, and opt in to the League, to be eligible for prizes.
- The competition is only open to S1 to S4 students in Rwanda, and S1 to S4 Mathematics teachers in Rwanda.
- The competition will reward Mathematics practice.
- To be eligible for a prize, a student or teacher’s contact details must be up-to-date and correct.
- Prizes must be claimed within 30 days, or they will be forfeited.
- Prizes will be awarded to teachers for their students’ mastery. This will be based on the average mastery of all students in a level, on 30 June 2021.
- The school champion will be the school whose students have the greatest number of atoms earned across all levels (S1–S4) on 30 June 2021.
- The winning school will receive a laptop that can be used for school activity, and to support teaching.
- Winning teachers will each receive a smartphone that will assist them in using online resources for their teaching.
- Student prizes will be awarded via randomized weekly draws during June.
- Winners will be notified via SMS or email.
- All student details will be confirmed with REB (school and correct grade confirmation) prior to any prizes being distributed.
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